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A trip to Quanzhou — The fifth Hometown Trip activity for young elites from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan

2022-12-01  Click:

November 25, 2022, the Fifth “Maritime Silk Road Friendship & Chinese Dream” Hometown Trip for young elites from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan was held in Shishi City, Fujian Province. Ms. Chen Jinwen, from International Affairs Office of Quanzhou Vocational and Technical University (QVTU) participated in this activity along with more than 50 compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. The event was hosted by the Office of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs of CPC Quanzhou Municipal Committee, the Communist Youth League Quanzhou Committee, and China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Quanzhou, and co-organized by the Office of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs of Shishi City, Jinjiang City, and Nan’an City.

All participants [Photo provided by the Office of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs of CPC Quanzhou Municipal Committee]

By attending the opening ceremony of the 8th China (Quanzhou) Maritime Silk Road International Brand Expo and the 2nd RCEP Young Overseas Chinese Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship Summit as well as the China International Brand Innovation Forum, the participants were able to gain a deeper understanding of the brilliant achievements made by our dear motherland and local governments in the construction and development of the economic industry and urban infrastructure. The participants also visited the Laiwang food store featuring traditional flavored cuisine in the Minnan region and participated in traditional programs such as “Reciting the four lines”, “Bobing”, and “Runbing”, which made them immersed in the strong Minnan style and the unique Minnan culture.

All participants [Photo provided by the Office of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs of CPC Quanzhou Municipal Committee]

Reciting the four lines (rhyming set of sentences read by a character in Minnan opera, often comes in sets of four) [Photo provided by the Office of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs of CPC Quanzhou Municipal Committee]

“Bobing” (mooncake gambling) [Photo provided by the Office of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs of CPC Quanzhou Municipal Committee]

Wrapping “Runbing” (spring rolls) [Photo provided by the Office of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs of CPC Quanzhou Municipal Committee]

It is reported that through this event, the affective commitment of the young people from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan with the Maritime Silk Road culture, Minnan culture and World Heritage culture has been deepened. Following the requirements of CPC Quanzhou Committee and Quanzhou municipal government for strengthening the industry and revitalizing the city, it is necessary to carry forward the “Jinjiang Experience”, take advantage of the rich resources of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan as well as the developed private economy in Quanzhou City, inherit the Minnan Maritime Silk Road culture, seek business opportunities of economic and trade cooperation, carry out the education in national conditions, and build a solid ideological foundation for the young people from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.